
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery

A photo journey through the setting for Kali’s fave childhood story: Sleepy Hollow! Two trips and we’ve still managed to explore only a small part of the grounds.

Treat Yo Self Day!

This year, in a small miracle of fate, Treat Yo Self Day coincides with Prime Day, so you can save a bunch of cash while you get your voluptuary on.

PennyLick Ice Cream

Their mission is to bring us the best, simplest ice cream flavors. Mission accomplished. Simple maybe, but also amazeballs 😋

123 Miles to Montauk

We drove 123 miles to go to the beach. Yes. One hundred, twenty three miles. Outside is the only safe activity these days, and we wanted comfort food in a happy place, so we hit the beach!

UPsides to the 2020 lockDOWN

Yes, COVID busted into our lives and literally ruined everything; But in the spirit of seeking out the (sparkly) silver lining, I’ve been trying to highlight a few things that don’t suck in 2020.