Constantly wandering off the beaten path in an attempt to answer the eternal question:

👀 Hey what's over there?

Exploration is the Essence of the human spirit

Where’s that music coming from? Where is everyone getting those giant pizza slices? What do you think is over there? Why is that building shaped weird? Is that place we saw on TV real?  These are the questions that drive us forward . . . and sometimes, right down the rabbit hole 🐇 It’s always an adventure as we abandon our (incredibly loosely defined) plans to go investigate whatever’s just caught our attention! 

PennyLick Ice Cream

Their mission is to bring us the best, simplest ice cream flavors. Mission accomplished. Simple maybe, but also amazeballs 😋

123 Miles to Montauk

We drove 123 miles to go to the beach. Yes. One hundred, twenty three miles. Outside is the only safe activity these days, and we wanted comfort food in a happy place, so we hit the beach!

UPsides to the 2020 lockDOWN

Yes, COVID busted into our lives and literally ruined everything; But in the spirit of seeking out the (sparkly) silver lining, I’ve been trying to highlight a few things that don’t suck in 2020.

St. Vitus Bar

One of Brooklyn’s best kept secrets, St. Vitus is NYC’s premier venue. Like any good secret, it’s easy to miss if you’re not looking for it.

four markers on table

Call me by MY name

Recently I referred to an offhand comment made (in the workplace) to a friend about her last name as ‘charming racism’. My statement being that

Pretty On The Outside

TL;DR: As much as I love this song, I always hear it with a little sting. It reminds me that there are people who left my life feeling this way about me.